Against Certain Capture ____by____ Miriam Wei Wei Lo

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Against Certain Capture.Cover.Image.web.yellow.jpg

Against Certain Capture ____by____ Miriam Wei Wei Lo


Softcover, perfect bound

A5, pp 34

ISBN: 978-0-6488079-7-1

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Against Certain Capture is biographical poetry that draws readers into the lives of Lo’s two grandmothers: Liang Yue-Xian and Eva Sounness. These are poems that deal with hardship and hunger, with triumph and sorrow, with children and marriage. What would it be like to watch your children starve in a time of war? How would you react if your tenth child was born with Down Syndrome? These poems ask questions, in two very different cultural contexts, about what it meant to be a woman in the century just past. They also offer valuable poetic and personal insights for anyone negotiating the complexity of being a woman today; or for anyone interested in women’s experiences, distilled into poetry.

A second edition of Miriam Wei Wei Lo’s prize-winning first book.

About the Author:

Miriam Wei Wei Lo is of mixed Malaysian-Chinese and Anglo-Australian descent. She lives, with her extended family, on Whadjuk Noongar boodja in Western Australia. She teaches creative writing at Sheridan Institute. Find her on Insta @miriamweiweilo